Kintai Arts Gallery / News / Kintai.Kitaip is back to Kintai!


Festivalio renginiai:, Renginiai

Kintai.Kitaip is back to Kintai!

☆★ Rugpjūčio 17 d. 20 val. Kintų „Vėtrungės“ stovyklos valgykloje

▷ Kintai.Kitaip tai antrus metus vykstantis Kintai Arts ir Lietuvos muzikos informacijos centro kuruojamas garso meno projektas, kurio metu du kviestiniai garso menininkai reziduoja Kintuose, vietos kontekste išvystytą kūrybą pristato renginiuose Kintuose ir Vilniuje. Šis renginys taip pat yra Kintų muzikos festivalio dalis.
▷ Praeitą vasarą garso menininkai Marija Rasa Kudabaitė ir Audrius Šimkūnas tyrė Kintų garsovaizdį per aplinkos įrašus iš itin tylių vietų bei technologiškai įgarsinant žmogaus ausiai negirdimus garsus.
▷ Šių metų Kintų tyrimas „kitaip” tęsiasi su garso menininkais Kamile Dambrauskaite ir Simonu Nekrošiumi. Abu menininkai gilinasi į netradicinėmis garso inžinerijos priemonėmis išgaunamus garsus, jų prigimtį, kuria savadarbius, dažnai specifinio konteksto įkvėptus, garso objektus. Didžiąją rezidencijos laiko dalį jie praleido netoliese esančios, jau nuo 90-ųjų apleistos vaikų stovyklos „Vėtrungė“ valgykloje. Joje rasti vietos „artefaktai“ tapo jų ruošiamų performansų bei konstruojamų garso objektų sudedamąja dalimi.
▷ Kūrybos rezultatai bus pristatyti dviejuose renginiuose:
☆★ Rugpjūčio 17 d. 20 val. Kintų „Vėtrungės“ stovyklos valgykloje
☆★ Rugpjūčio 22 d. 19 val. Lietuvos Kompozitorių sąjungoje,
Vilniuje. Šiame koncerte savo kūrybą pristatys tarpdisciplininio ir garso meno laukuose kuriantis menininkas Sholto Dobie
► Kamilė Dambrauskaitė
Garso menininkė kurianti garso pasirodymus, kuriuose naudoja įvietintas garso instaliacijas, savadarbes scenografijas, groja ambient/ expermental electronic / noise / drone žanrus. Savo pasirodymuose didelį dėmesį skiria ne tik pačiam garsui, bet ir jo išgavimo būdams, taip pat garso ir vaizdo sintezei. Šiuo metu didžiąją dalį skirianti savadarbiams elektroniniams ir elektoakustiniam instrumentams gaminti, aplinkos garso įrašams (field recordings) daryti ir ruošti, aktyviai dalyvauja ivairiuose garso projektuose.
► Simonas Nekrošius
Interdisciplinary artist from Vilnius, who specializes in sound art and constructing diy acoustic instruments and sound objects. His work is often associated with concepts of “readymade” and “diy”. He perceives creativity and art objects as a process hence reduces the importance of the finalized results in his projects. As a consequence, his work has a tendency to be indeterminate and transformative through time. Under the pseudonym of Kamkorder he documents alternative art events in the VHS format; he is also the housekeeper of Studium P.
Prie renginio programos Vilniuje prisijungs:
► Sholto Dobie
Gimė Edinburge ir gyvena Vilniuje. Jis dirba su garsu, muzika, performansais, taip pat organizuoja renginius bei parodas. Jis naudoja laisvą kompozicinę struktūrą ir įvairius garso šaltinius, įskaitant naminius vargonus, „hurdy gurdy”, savadarbius instrumentus ir lauko įrašus. Jo pasirodymai yra asmeniški ir intuityvūs, dažnai subtilūs, sugestyvūs ir absurdiški.
The event is public and free of charge
Projekto dizainas: Ugnė Balčiūnaitė
Projekto organizatoriai: Kintai Arts ir Lietuvos muzikos informacijos centras.
Projektą finansuoja Lietuvos kultūros taryba, Klaipėdos apskrities Regioninė kultūros taryba
▷ We are delighted to present the second edition of the sound art project „Kintai.Kitaip,” curated by Kintai Arts Residency and the Lithuanian Music Information Centre. Each year, two guest sound artists take up residency in Kintai, where they develop in situ sound performances. These performances are later presented at events in Kintai and Vilnius.
▷ In the first edition of „Kintai.Kitaip,” sound artists Marija Rasa Kudabaitė and Audrius Šimkūnas explored the soundscape of Kintai through field recordings and various sound processing techniques. They captured sounds from extremely quiet places and amplified sounds inaudible to the human ear.
▷ This year, the sonic research in Kintai continues with sound artists Kamilė Dambrauskaitė and Simonas Nekrošius. Both artists sculpt sounds using unconventional means of sound engineering, creating self-built sound objects often inspired by specific contexts. The residency is located near an abandoned summer camp for kids, „Vėtrungė,” which has remained empty since the 90s. The camp’s canteen has become the focal point for the residents. Its acoustics, atmosphere, and the found objects inside have become the main ingredients for the performances that will be presented in two events:
☆★ 17th of August, 20:00, at the canteen of “Vetrunge” summer camp in Kintai
☆★ 22nd of August, 19:00, at Composer’s Union in Vilnius. Invited guest for this event: sound and interdisciplinary artist Sholto Dobie.
► Kamilė Dambrauskaitė
Sound artist based in Vilnius, known for her active involvement in the field of sound performances. Her work encompasses site-specific sound installations, improvised scenographies, and explorations within the ambient/experimental electronic, noise, and drone genres. In her performances, she goes beyond the sound itself, delving into the methods of sound extraction and emphasizing the synthesis of sound and image. Presently, Kamilė’s output revolve around the production of self-made electronic and electroacoustic instruments, as well as the incorporation of field recordings and diverse experimental music collaborations.
► Simonas Nekrošius
Interdisciplinary artist from Vilnius, who specializes in sound art and constructing diy acoustic instruments and sound objects. His work is often associated with concepts of “readymade” and “diy”. He perceives creativity and art objects as a process hence reduces the importance of the finalized results in his projects. As a consequence, his work has a tendency to be indeterminate and transformative through time. Under the pseudonym of Kamkorder he documents alternative art events in the VHS format; he is also the housekeeper of Studium P.
► Sholto Dobie
He works with sound, music and performances as well as organising events and exhibitions. He uses loose structures and an array of sound-sources including home-made organs, hurdy gurdy and field recordings. His performances are personal and intuitive, often coming across as delicate, evocative, and absurd. In Vilnius, he co-organises concerts as part of Studium P, and recently curated a series of residencies at Sodas 2123, which hosted artists Antonina Nowacka, Shakeeb Abu Hamdan, Ahti & Ahti, Adam Christensen and The Ladies Club. He also organizes Progine, a regular show on Radio Vilnius.
The entrance is free
Graphic design by Ugnė Balčiūnaitė
Organised by Kintai Arts and Lithuanian Music Information Centre.
Financed by Lithuanian council for culture, Klaipėda County Regional Council of Culture